Neo Bike
商家普遍集中在界限分明的商業精華區之中,使得大衆通勤路線變得更加單純,也代表尖峰時段將會有更多人潮湧入同一個地點。因此需要除了交通號誌以外的交通管理方式,個人通勤結合 AIoT 物聯網交通,將集中統籌車輛的路線規劃,來進行即時地路況協調,達到舒緩交通的目標。
❚❙ Different transportation needs
As work patterns change and the habit of WFH becomes more common, the function of the city has been simplified to a consumer-oriented commercial essence.
At the same time, the demand for commuting by city residents, and the demand for personal transportation has declined, making shared transportation the norm in the urban landscape.
❚❙ A more humane city
The original distribution of the city's population, which was already small and densely populated, has begun to use smaller and slimmer vehicles to make more efficient use of the space for driving and parking.
The released space also refocuses the priority of street services from "cars" back to "people", so that Taiwan's cities can finally return to a pedestrian-friendly state.
❚❙ Coordinated urban transportation
Businesses are generally concentrated in well-defined commercial districts, which makes the commuting routes of the public more simple and means more people will flock to the same place during peak hours.
Therefore, traffic management methods other than traffic signs are needed. Personal commuting combined with AIoT smart transportation will centrally organize the route planning of vehicles to coordinate the road conditions in real time and achieve the goal of traffic relief.
❚❙ Innovative energy technology
The improvement of regenerative energy and battery recycling technology has significantly reduced the environmental impact of electric powered transportation.
Not only does this reduce energy efficiency, but it also reduces emissions from internal combustion engines and noise from vibrations. The vehicle's power system has also improved due to the increased speed of electric vehicle signal transmission, making driverless vehicles a part of everyday life.